#78: IRt/c tested for vacuum and microwave compatibility

Tests for compatibility performed by customers contribute greatly to our understanding of how IRt/c’s perform in some of the unusual environments where non-contact temperature measurements are required. Exergen has a policy of providing sensors free of charge to any laboratory for test purposes, in return for a copy of test results. This series of tests was performed by a customer who required the performance, and had the facility to test the IRt/c. The test was conducted in a 1,2 m by 1,2 m (4 ft. by 4 ft.) chamber in the following sequence:

First Test

  1. Vacuum exposure (15 minutes at 40 Torr)
  2. Microwave Exposure (5 minutes, 3 KW at 2450 MHz)
  3. Chamber load (6,8 kg H2O)

Second Test

  1. Vacuum exposure (10 minutes)
  2. Microwave Exposure (30 seconds, 3 KW at 2450 MHz)
  3. Microwave Exposure (10 seconds, 3 KW at 2450 MHz)
  4. Chamber load (1 pint H2O)

The IRt/c showed no ill effects and operated flawlessly when checked after the test sequence.

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